I bought this Redken anti snap leave in treatment thing and it says apply on towel dried hair. Does this mean when its completely dry (like naturally dry) or when its still kinda damp just not dripping anymore?
What does towel dried hair mean?
That means that just towel dry until most of the wetness is gone is should be fine then.i use to get confused on that also.until i started doing hair.
What does towel dried hair mean?
damp and not dripping. lol.
What does towel dried hair mean?
when you have toweled dried ur hair its just damp but not dripping.
What does towel dried hair mean?
As soon as you get done towel drying it. So, when it is still kind of damp and not dripping anymore. :)
What does towel dried hair mean?
like, after you dry it with the towel and it is still damp but it is not all drippy anymore.
What does towel dried hair mean?
It means towel dried...with a towel. Dried means dry. Towel means with a towel.
What does towel dried hair mean?
when its kinda damp its towel dried its just when you dry your hair with your towel.
What does towel dried hair mean?
kinda damp just not dripping
What does towel dried hair mean?
It means after shampooing and or conditioning
you gently squeeze hair with a towel so it's not dripping wet and just slightly damp.
What does towel dried hair mean?
Towel dried hair is when you get out of the shower and you dry your hair as much as you can with a towel.Your hair will be a little damp and thats what is means!=)
What does towel dried hair mean?
I do the squeeze test. I take my still wet hair and grip it with the towel and squeeze. I work my way down to the ends, then I comb my hair again and repeat the squeeze technique. If you don't feel any more water seeping through the towel, then your hair is dry enough, yet damp enough to apply the product.
What does towel dried hair mean?
it doesnt matter but just not dripping and not dry
What does towel dried hair mean?
Damp Like After You Wash your hair Get A Towel and Dry it Thats Towel Dry.
What does towel dried hair mean?
Towel dry means damp. It basically is after using a towel to get the majority of water out of it.
What does towel dried hair mean?
yeah its damp but not soaking wet
What does towel dried hair mean?
I have that stuff and i love it
but yeah it works best when ur hair is damp
like its dried for a little bit.
What does towel dried hair mean?
it means damp but not dripping hair. After you get out of the shower dry your hair with a towel(rub your hair). Hope I helped!
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