I want to bleach it and i have all the conditioners and treatments so im ready. I know it will go a yellow to orange colour(the darkest it has ever gone is all lorange) bu ti want to put in a nice and easy ash blonde and then let my hair grow longer with that in. But do i need to use a toner after bleaching before i put the dye on or am i ok with just putting the ash blonde dye on.. or is there another brand of ash blonde i should use%26gt;??? My hair is short and in ok condition i condition every day and treatment once a week.
I want to bleach my hair and i know it will go a sorta yellow orange colour ,toner then dye?
Be careful with drug-store type hair dyes with ash in the name. If your hair get too porus from the bleaching your hair may "grab" the ash (which is a green base usually) and will be very off-color.. Your best bet is to go to a beauty supply store and ask for a reccomendation. It won't cost any more than the drug-store brand and you'll get better results with a professional opinion!!
I want to bleach my hair and i know it will go a sorta yellow orange colour ,toner then dye?
I would strip your hair first then bleach it, esp. if your hair is black like in the icon photo.
I want to bleach my hair and i know it will go a sorta yellow orange colour ,toner then dye?
i'm goin thru the same thing and doin the same thing! you have to do it in stages. first get thru the orange, give it a break, yellow... give it a break.. DONT PUT A TONER. it's jus another stage you'll have to break thru, yeah you're hair will be ugly for a month, but you have to deal with it to get what you want. and it makes it easier if you do sections too. like the top, sides and back, at different times, so then it's not so much at once, and you can really watch what the hair is doin so that you dont end up with alot of breakage. i've been working on it for about 3 weeks now, and still have like another month left! let me know how it works out k?!
ps. DONT USE DRUG STORE COLORS EVERRR! make a friends that's a colorist. lol
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