I have done hair relaxing at home (for the bangs section only since I can't tame the frizz there but I wanted the rest of my hair wavy). I let the solution stay on for 25 mins (the instructions said not more than 30 mins) but the result has been less than satisfactory. My bangs are still a bit curly. Is it ok to repeat the process after a week? Or I need a month before I can apply the treatment again? I do hairspa at home too after relaxing my hair.
A Q for Hairdressers/Hair Experts?
Not an expert on relaxing for sure (my hair is very straight). I found this though:
How often to relax hair is a personal decision. According to Pearl Freier, an instructor at the International Academy of Hair Design in South Daytona, Fla., relaxing at intervals of six to eight weeks is common, and the frequency depends on the rate of a person's hair growth. Leslie F. Safer, MD, a dermatologist in Albany, Ga., who has treated women with scalp irritation from relaxers, says straightening every six weeks is too frequent, in his opinion. Relaxers can cause hair breakage in the long term, he says, and blow drying and curling can do more damage.
Based on that information, I would wait. You might be able to blow the rest of it out with a dryer (not on the highest setting though due to the damage).
Hope you get some other answers from hairdressers, though.
A Q for Hairdressers/Hair Experts?
Ill ask my evil twin, but i'm sure he will recommend waiting at least a month.
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