Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

Okay read this first or you will get a thumbs down.

Okay I have dyed black hair. Which Im going to dye to platinum blonde. I am also cutting 5 inches off my hair so I can get rid of the split ends and damage from previous chemical treatments. I am also going to use biolustre after. And Im using Manic Panic Virgin Snow as my toner. What bleach do you reccomend? Im going to sally's beauty to get supplies so tell me what you think :] aand If I need any other condtioning treatments.

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

Hey, I hope I can help. I have to tell you, I cannot stand it when people tell me I can't bleach my hair. I've been bleaching and coloring my hair for years and the only disaster I had was a couple years ago when a Sally associate rec. that I use a protein mask.... DO NOT USE (I also used the conditioning treatment after)! First off, I am a vegetarian and I'm pretty sure it was animal proteins because it smelled literally like death, second of all, it makes your hair too brittle and my hair started to break. It broke pretty short but I survived, just threw some purple and blue manic panic in there and I was good to go until it started to grow out. Its super healthy again and I'm ready to bust out the bleach. Just do it in steps and I like the little blue toner that you directly put into the bleach.... You buy em in single doses. Most bleaches are fine from the Rite Aid stuff to the beauty store stuff, I think it's technique...Purology is my favorite conditioner and of course biosilk serum after!

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

Oh and yeah.

clip in extensions saved my life :]

lol Report It

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

congrats! im on the same page as kind of reddish right now. im being almost too careful but i love this color too hahah. ^_^ Report It

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

use the manic panic bleaching kit, it worked for my boyfriend, who has natural black hair, and he used it on his facial hair, which is even more coarse than head hair! they have that at sally's too.

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

girl ima need you to stop dying your hair because you are realling "killing" it

if u're not happy with your own hair color then just shave it off!

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

dont use manic panic belach i bought my bleach and poweder from sally's beauty store i have black hair as well i bougt a 40 cream (red) developer!!!!

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

they have this bleach in a powder i don't remember what its called but it works with out a toner you just need the iquid stuff to go with it my grandmas a butishion

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

when you go in to sallys buy the best bleach you can afford and get cream peroixd not liqiud to mix with the bleach i would buy 40vols nothing stronger.and the conditioner buy a product called infusium you spray it on a dont rinse it out just its a great leave in conditioner i use it in my salon all the time GOOD LUCK

Bleaching blach hair bleach blonde.?

lord i never trust myself with bleach...ill do all the color i want but when it comes to taking color away it scared me to death

i bet youll be pretty regardless : )

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