Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Is there any way to undo the straightened hair??

(i have done the straightenin couple of months back but i don't lik that now) i wan to get back ma old natural hair... i do undstnd its not tat easy but can u jus temme is thr any way that i could protec ma hair frm loz and get back them by usin some natural treatment.... HELP ME with this.............. Thank u al...

Is there any way to undo the straightened hair??

ya by

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Is there any way to undo the straightened hair??

i had my hair permatley straighted and got wicked sick of it too there was nothing any salon could do i had to wait until it grew out

Is there any way to undo the straightened hair??

I have tried un-straightening no avail. Perm it back was my solution.

Is there any way to undo the straightened hair??

i don't know but learn to type.

Is there any way to undo the straightened hair??

The only thing to do is let it grow out. No more treatments.

for a curl just use rollers and spend more time doing that to get a wave back in. You will damage your hair if you do any more treatments and you will really be sorry. Enjoy what you have now and let it grow out.

Is there any way to undo the straightened hair??

My advise to you is to go to a Salon and let them look at your hair. There are several ways to get your hair back to your original wavy texture but they will have to check the current condition of your hair. Also, if your hair was chemically straightened, another perm (this time curly) will have to be done and chemicals will have to be used. Currently, there are many ways to get lasting straight or curly hair without the use of chemicals but these will not last as long as if they were done with chemicals. I hope this helps a little!

Is there any way to undo the straightened hair??

it depends on the type of straightening service you received. if it was a relaxer, you have to let it grow out. lye and no-lye relaxers cannot be reversed. period. sorry.

if it was an anti-curl service, a reverse perm, a japanese straightening system, or a thio perm, most likely (depending on the condition of your hair), if you are REALLY sure about it, you can get a curly perm over the straightener, as the two chemicals are the same. although, my recommendation would be not to do it, because that's a double chemical service and you are just asking for your hair to break off, fall out, or be brittle and dry. it's just not a good idea.

you should just learn to style it how you like it and deal with it until the straightener grows out and learn to think twice about getting permanent chemical services like that again.

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