Monday, July 27, 2009

How can you lift and separate hair on the scalp?

I am working with a group of researchers on a new medical treatment for the scalp. We DESPERATELY need help in finding a practical way to lift and separate hair on the head. We have thought of different clips, static electricity, suction, velcro and lots of other ideas but none of them has really worked. So if you think of a way for any of the above to work (except the static electricity which we already have definitely ruled out) or have a different idea, please share your creativity and brainstorming with us.

The method has to hold the hair up for about 15 minutes so that a light treatment can reach the scalp without the hair interfering and blocking the light.

Any really really smart out-of-the-box thinkers out there?

How can you lift and separate hair on the scalp?

Not sure why you eliminated static electricity. It works just fine, have them stand on a block of styrofoam and have a rubber mat large enough so they can't touch any grounded object.

The adhesive on post-it notes holds my hair up but releases without any discomfort.

There was a "Flow-be" (spelling?) hair cutting machine on late-night infomercials. Basically a shop vac with a spining razor blade inside. I'm thinking you keep the suction aspect but introduce your light near the bottom*. But make the whole thing bigger to cover more area at a time.

*(would fiber optics transmit your frquency?).

How the reverse of suction? Inject air through perforated tubes. Like a big Afro comb, but hollow with holes along it (like a air-velocity or aviation pitot tube). With the holes pointing away from the scalp. The air has to go somewhere, mostly up, and will blow the hair with it. Put your light source on the bottom of the comb's prongs. If that doesn't provide directed enough lift, put a flexible skirt around it, like a hovercraft.

If it is some important medical application, just have them shave.

The non-obese can stand to be inverted for 5-10 minutes or so. Or bent over a waist-high padded bar for longer. Let gravity pull the hair down.

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